Hammond: As to our looks, the English and Jutish blood, which on the whole is predominant here, used not to produce much beauty. But I think we have improved it. I know a man who has a large collection of portraits printed from photographs of the 19th c., and going over those and comparing them with the everyday faces in these times, puts the improvement in our good looks beyond a doubt
Now, there are some people who think it not too fantastic to connect this increase of beauty directly with our freedom and good sense in the matters we have been speaking of: they believe that a child born from the natural and healthy love between a man and a woman, even if that be transient, is likely to turn out better in all ways, and especially in bodily beauty, than the birth of teh respectable commercial marriage bed....They say, Pleasure begets pleasure. What do you think?
Guest: I am much of the same mind (96)
Hockey is Minnesota borders on being a religion
17 minutes ago
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